New Collaboration Opportunities in Regenerative Medicine and Addressing Challenges to Clinical Adoption of Cell and Gene Therapies

KTN_logo_interim_RGB_310The KTN in collaboration with Innovate UK, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, Department of Health and Kings College London are holding an event focussing on new unmet clinical needs, the latest developments in the regulatory environment and clinical adoption. Following recent developments and the UK’s Regenerative Medicine Expert Group report recommendations this event will bring together the UK regenerative medicine communities involving industrialists, academics and clinicians from a number of clinical specialities.

innovate-uk-logoLeading clinicians and experts from a number of organisations will be presenting at this event. Directors and managers from industry, major funding organisations (e.g. Innovate UK, Research Councils, relevant charities) and leading academics will also be invited to attend and support this event.

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To register your expression of interest for this event, please click here.