Neurorehabilitation & Medical Device Development Workstream

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 15.26.48Neurorehabiliation Lead
Professor Val Pomeroy is a professor of Neurorehabilitation and Associate Director of Research for the School of Health Sciences. Her research upon stroke rehabilitation specifically; recovery of movement control and functional activity through identifying underlying mechanisms to inform the content of rehabilitation interventions in clinical trials.


jarrittMedical Device Development Lead
Dr. Peter Jarritt is the Deputy Director of the NIHR Brain Injury HTC. He is currently undertaking projects with Health Education East of England and The Academy for Healthcare Science. He previously held appointments as: Clinical Director of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering at Addenbrooke’s Hospital; Lead Scientist for the EoE Strategic Health Authority; Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Regional Medical Physics Agency; Honorary Professor, Queen’s University Belfast; Scientific Director, Northern Ireland PET Institute. Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Nuclear Medicine, UCL.


Supported Projects