This year again, the Brain Injury Technologies Think (BITT) tank that focused on paediatric neurorehabilitation has been a great success, thanks to the many SMEs, clinicians, patients, carers, academics and funding bodies who attended and contributed to the event! Thank you!
We were pleased to see so many innovative ideas and discussions about potential collaborations taking place. The outcomes of the event are likely to reach new heights this year!
The BITT tank series invites small-medium enterprises and entrepreneurs to showcase technological innovations to a panel of patients, carers, industry, clinical and academic experts. A facilitated open Q&A with the audience and expert panel provides feedback and guides future product development.
The technology showcase triggered important questionings and paths worth exploring.
Thank you to the following SMEs and project teams that came and showcased their technology/product:
- MyCognition Ltd
- Therapy Box
- Cambridge Community Services NHS Trust
- Filisia Interfaces
- Alpha-Active Ltd, Hereward College & University of Liverpool
- NeuroCONCISE Ltd
- Red Ninja Studios
- University of East Anglia
- Maddison Product Design
If you would like more information, please have a look at the summary report of the event.
If you have missed the event, the slides of the presentations are available here.